PE S3 Home Learning

Pupils have now all been added to Microsoft Teams. Each week new tasks will be posted on the Website, Microsoft Teams and Twitter. We look forward to seeing all your hard work! Click on the link below to access Microsoft Teams.

S3 Home Learning on Microsoft Teams

S3 Home Learning – 15/06/20

You have one week to complete the following tasks. Please send any work to Miss Grant on or tweet us @castlebraepe . We look forward to seeing all your work!

S3 Home Learning – 25/05/20

You have one week to complete the following tasks. Please send any work to Miss Grant on or tweet us @castlebraepe . We look forward to seeing all your work!

S3 Home Learning – 04/05/20

S3 Home Learning Week 2 – 30/03/20

TASK: This week we are working on CREATIVITY AND CONFIDENCE. Watch the following videos below:

Learning a headstand

Nick Kyrgios Trick Shots

Ski Half Pipe

Roger Federer Confidence Documentary

Complete the CREATIVITY and CONFIDENCE pages from the SATPE workbook on a word document. Send your answers to Miss Grant on

Find our weekly challenges below on our twitter page…